Resource author(s): Jennifer Casto, Abby Ladd, and Lyn Messner
Key topics: Education, Gender and Inclusive Development, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research, Technical Assistance, Youth
Related countries: Lebanon
In 2016 and 2017, EnCompass supported the USAID Performance Management and Support Program for Lebanon (PMSPL II) in conducting three education sector gender analyses across basic public education, higher education, and vocational training. This Resource Guide for Gender Integration in Education Programming in Lebanon presents key evidence generated from these analyses, along with findings from PMSPL II evaluations of USAID/Lebanon education projects pertaining to gender equality and female empowerment-related issues. The guide serves as a resource to enhance implementing mechanisms’ knowledge of gender norms and dynamics in Lebanon that affect or influence education outcomes related to the three USAID Education Strategy Goals, resulting in gender-aware and gender-transformative USAID/Lebanon education projects.